cattery devon rex

Kittens for sale

On this page you can choose your little curly friend!In our kennel, all conditions have been created for the safe and happy life of adult Devon Rex and their children.Kittens acquire intelligent upbringing, have a balanced character and excellent health. 
At the time of moving, all kittens are fully vaccinated, treated for external and internal parasites, castrated. Our kittens are used to dry food, go to the toilet on a tray, sharpen their claws on a special scratching post.
More photos and videos on our Instagram @devonrex_ua

  • Conditions of sale of kittens

    ● Our Devon Rex kittens are sold no earlier than 3.5 months after full vaccination (fully vaccinated) and castration/sterilization.● We guarantee the kitten's health at the time of sale. The kitten's initial vaccinations are carried out by our veterinarian at the age of 8 and 12 weeks. Vaccination earlier is not effective because the kittens are still being fed by the mother. Our cats have never received Chlamydia, FIP or Feline.Leukemia vaccines. Administration of these vaccines at any time immediately and permanently voids all health guarantees.● We recommend that the kitten be quarantined for 72 hours, and if the kitten is found to have an incurable disease or life-threatening problem during the 72-hour warranty period, the cattery agrees to replace it with another Devon Rex kitten of comparable quality and value.● We prefer that you pick up the kitten in person, so we are not responsible for the quality of the cargo transportation or courier delivery of the kitten and the consequences related to the transportation. The responsibility ends when the kitten is handed over to the cargo or courier.● When buying a kitten from our cattery, you will receive professional help and advice from the breeder.● Reservation of the chosen kitten is possible by making an advance payment by any of the types of money transfer convenient for the customer - 30% of the cost of the kitten (the advance payment is included in the price), which gives you a guarantee of purchase. Only the deposit-advance made for a particular kitten is a reason to refuse other subsequent buyers. If suddenly the kitten becomes unfit for sale, then the advance is not returned, but transferred to another kitten of suitable quality as soon as it becomes available.● Buying a pet is a very responsible and balanced step. Before making a reserve, consider everything down to the smallest details, because you will have to be financially responsible for the impermanence of your decisions. The advance is not refundable under any circumstances. Never buy a kitten on the spur of the moment! Remember - the cat is with you for a long time, for its entire cat's life.● We are for honesty towards buyers and other breeders. We hope you will too. We have a responsibility to the owners of our kittens - they should get healthy, beautiful, pedigree representatives of our beautiful breed who will bring happiness to their lives for many years. All our breeding cats undergo mandatory medical examinations and testing.

Our kittens are sold under a sales contract.

We have an available girl


Always open to communication!

Write to us on social networks or send a message through the form.
Sincerely, Serafin Natalia

Sincerely, Victoria Nassonova

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